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On-Premises Pricing Configuration

On-premises cluster pricing is supported in OpenCost by providing default prices for node data via the default.json.

"provider": "custom",
"description": "Default prices based on GCP us-central1",
"CPU": "0.031611",
"spotCPU": "0.006655",
"RAM": "0.004237",
"spotRAM": "0.000892",
"GPU": "0.95",
"storage": "0.00005479452",
"zoneNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"regionNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"internetNetworkEgress": "0.12"

This file is loaded when the OpenCost starts up, providing default prices. You may verify these values by querying Prometheus:

kubectl port-forward -n prometheus service/my-prometheus-server 9003:80
curl -s 'http://localhost:9003/api/v1/query?query=node_cpu_hourly_cost' | jq '.data.result[0]'
"metric": {
"__name__": "node_cpu_hourly_cost",
"instance": "",
"instance_type": "k3s",
"job": "opencost",
"node": "",
"provider_id": "k3s://"
"value": [

Similarly you can query node_ram_hourly_cost, node_total_hourly_cost, and pv_hourly_cost.

Modified Default.json Example

You can update the prices in the default.json file and rebuild your container with the modified source (make sure permissions are 644 on the default.json).

"provider": "custom",
"description": "Modified prices based on arbitrary whims",
"CPU": "1.25",
"spotCPU": "0.006655",
"RAM": "0.50",
"spotRAM": "0.000892",
"GPU": "0.95",
"storage": "0.25",
"zoneNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"regionNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"internetNetworkEgress": "0.12"

produces output similar to

kubectl port-forward -n prometheus service/my-prometheus-server 9003:80
curl -s 'http://localhost:9003/api/v1/query?query=node_cpu_hourly_cost' | jq '.data.result[0]'
"metric": {
"__name__": "node_cpu_hourly_cost",
"instance": "",
"instance_type": "k3s",
"job": "opencost",
"node": "",
"provider_id": "k3s://"
"value": [

This is reflected in the OpenCost UI with substantially higher CPU, RAM and PV costs than before the update.

Custom pricing using the OpenCost Helm Chart

Method 1

You can either create your own ConfigMap containing your own pricing as structured below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
default.json: |
"provider": "custom",
"description": "Modified prices based on arbitrary whims",
"CPU": "1.25",
"spotCPU": "0.006655",
"RAM": "0.50",
"spotRAM": "0.000892",
"GPU": "0.95",
"storage": "0.25",
"zoneNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"regionNetworkEgress": "0.01",
"internetNetworkEgress": "0.12"

then reference the ConfigMap created previously by providing helm overrides during install.

# -- Enables custom pricing for on-premise setup.
enabled: true
# -- Path for the pricing configuration.
configPath: /tmp/custom-config
# -- Configures the pricing model provided in the values file.
createConfigmap: false

Method 2

Provide your custom pricing via helm overrides during install.

# -- Enables custom pricing for on-premise setup.
enabled: true
configmapName: custom-pricing-model
# -- Path for the pricing configuration.
configPath: /tmp/custom-config
# -- Configures the pricing model provided in the values file.
createConfigmap: true
# -- More information about these values here:
description: Modified prices based on your internal pricing
CPU: 1.25
spotCPU: 0.006655
RAM: 0.50
spotRAM: 0.000892
GPU: 0.95
storage: 0.25
zoneNetworkEgress: 0.01
regionNetworkEgress: 0.01
internetNetworkEgress: 0.12

On Premises Cloud Cost Configuration

There is currently no support for integrating on premises pricing.

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